Friday, August 14, 2009

Moe + Clothing Accessories = Big Money?

Is there any other way to put it? K-On Ties. Obviously Otaku consumers are losing money while the corporates rake it in big time. Whats that? Do i here "DO WANT?" from those who are reading this? Well your in luck, I've done some seaching and have found a little website that sells outside of Japan here. Mind you, you'll be waiting till they get them instock on the 31st of October, then you'll have to get them sent out to you, which could take another 14 days. By the time it arrives all the hype about them will be over. They do look good as a tie though. "What was i thinking!? Wearing this in public?!"

Oh come on, we know you love to show your true fandom to the real world.

Sources: Sankaku Complex


  1. I'd have one, but I would not pay for one.
    It says a certain thing about a person having a loli on their tie.... especially from an anime, which while quite good for the lol’s and memes, wasn’t that great.
